Thanks for writing about your goals and experiences last year! Great stuff. 2 questions:
1. On your item #8, did you actually receive any legit pushback or resistance from people when you told them about your goal? like arguing about feasibility, I guess?
2. You had no commentary on what's next for this year or long-term future. While it sounds like the blogging is over I'm curious to know how much of last year's process you intend to keep long term or whether it's just back to normal now.
Hi E Fam! Sorry for the delay. Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm happy to answer your questions :)
1. In regards to #8, it was more subtle, discouraging comments and flat out mockery at times. What people don't want to try to understand or when they believe your actions are somehow a judgement on their lives (consciously or unconsciously) they can be unhelpful, negative and flat our dicks.
2. Yes! I'll be saving a good percentage of my income going forward (likely between 30%-50%), more, if I can. Life will change, and I will need to meet myself where I'm at, so I'm sure some years it will be more and some will be less. But we shall see! I will definitely be employing all the lessons learned and skills gained this year for the rest of my life :)
Congratulations! May 2025 bring you much joy.
Thanks Kristen!! Same to you :)
Thanks for writing about your goals and experiences last year! Great stuff. 2 questions:
1. On your item #8, did you actually receive any legit pushback or resistance from people when you told them about your goal? like arguing about feasibility, I guess?
2. You had no commentary on what's next for this year or long-term future. While it sounds like the blogging is over I'm curious to know how much of last year's process you intend to keep long term or whether it's just back to normal now.
Thanks! And all the best in 2025!
Hi E Fam! Sorry for the delay. Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm happy to answer your questions :)
1. In regards to #8, it was more subtle, discouraging comments and flat out mockery at times. What people don't want to try to understand or when they believe your actions are somehow a judgement on their lives (consciously or unconsciously) they can be unhelpful, negative and flat our dicks.
2. Yes! I'll be saving a good percentage of my income going forward (likely between 30%-50%), more, if I can. Life will change, and I will need to meet myself where I'm at, so I'm sure some years it will be more and some will be less. But we shall see! I will definitely be employing all the lessons learned and skills gained this year for the rest of my life :)
Thank you! And all the best to you in 2025!